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Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books

Cat Collapse

Acute collapse in cats occurs when a cat suddenly falls and is not capable of getting back up due to a “loss of strength”. There are two types of acute collapse in cats, hind limb collapse and complete collapse. Hind limb collapse occurs when the cat ends up in a sitting position after falling and […]

Is Toilet Training A Cat Crazy?

Who doesn’t love cats? They are cute, fuzzy, friendly and can melt your heart away. They entertain you with their cute little tricks, they make you burst out in laughter with their ridiculous antics, and they are just outright adorable. Most of the time, that is! As lovable as cats are, they can drive you […]

Cat Grooming Gets Me Growling

When you regularly groom your cat it can help lessen hair ball problems and make the coat of your cat look more healthy and beautiful. Although there are cats that love being groomed, not all cats enjoy getting groomed as much as taking baths. If you are having a hard time grooming your cat then […]

The Barbary of Declawing Cats

You love your cat but you also love your home. Let’s face it, even the most compassionate cat lovers have probably Googled “declawing” at least once. Cats scratch – plain and simple. I do not intend to get into the merits versus the horrors of declawing your cat. I know people that have chosen both […]

Cat Hypothermia is Not Cool

One reason I like indoor cats is that I can sleep better and worry less; if my cats were outside I’d be extremely anxious if they didn’t come in at night or suddenly didn’t show up at their usual entry hour.

Even though most cats have thick fur coat, they can still suffer from hypothermia, […]