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Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books

Alexandra’s Cat

Bringing a cat into your home might not seem like much of hassle, but for people that haven’t had the chance to raise a cat before, it may not be such a predictable experience. You need to be acquainted to some of the quirks cats present and learning a few tricks would be immensely […]


My mom has always had a special soft spot for orange cats, and she just couldn’t say no when our vet called saying there was a kitten there in need of a home. He came to us with the name Tarzan but was soon renamed Tigger, and there’s a common theme to these names you […]


This is my cat, Minzy.

Back in 2009, my dad and I were looking through some newspapers and chanced upon an ad stating that there was a cat up for adoption in the city nearby. Without giving it much thought, we drove over and took her in. Minzy was a stray cat, and had been […]


A Mouthful of Moss

The first time he brought the moss in I thought it cute and kind of funny. A mound of dirt sewn together with a root system belonging to a crown of green fuzz, dropped with a thud on my white carpet by my eccentric Birman cat Ringo. It left a […]

Spark & Ember

In February, my four kids and I lost our home to a fire. A wiring issue caused a light in our kitchen to catch fire in the wee hours of the morning. Luckily, everyone was able to get out of the house, and I called 911 as we watched our house go up in flames.
