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Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books


by P J Quick

I hope you’re running wild and free now you have gone to eternity,
Free from pain and young again as once you used to be.
I hope you’re running wild and free,
as free as the wind in the trees,
Playing and purring in ecstasy,
or sleeping and dreaming at ease.
I hope you’re running wild and free,
as free as the clouds in the sky,
Rushing excitedly,
a kitten again,
with eyes as blue as the sea.
I hope you’re running wild and free,
sometimes maybe remembering me,
For I know the time will come one day when we’ll both be wild and free.


by George Ware

So many years ago she came to me,
a trusting Tiny ball of fluff that climbed my leg to play
And sleep upon my lap.
For all those years,
and still,
we shared our joys and Love but now are both grown old and soon must die.
Her eyes,
like mine,
are clouded and would no longer Serve to catch her prey.
Nor could she understand the missing saucer,
cold Hearth and empty bed,
nor bend her ways to suit Some stranger’s house.
take her first O Lord,
that I may see her resting,
deep beneath the apple tree that once she loved,
To climb with such agility,
far beyond my reach.
I shall grieve with understanding,
then anyone can bury me.


by Joan Hills

Almighty God please may I have a cat To share your vast eternity with me?
To keep me company throughout the day And spend the evenings curled upon my knee.
A cat to share my night-time and my bed.
To ride upon my shoulder up the stairs As once he rode;
or wait inside the door To welcome me,
and soothe away my cares with purr and mew.
But I forget,
there are no cares in Heaven.
Maybe no night-time too?
No cats methinks?
But how could You debar from Heaven a thing of beauty like a cat?
When You were once a little boy on earth Perhaps You had a cat to hunt the mice In Joseph’s workshop.
And there at Your birth In that poor stable,
did a kitten play Amid the straw with oxen and with ass?
Perhaps Your baby fingers stroked his fur.
I’m sure he did not hiss at You or scratch So small a babe (a cat gives love for love).
Did You and Mary have a ginger cat With all the hues of summer in his fur?
Or was he black with great big golden eyes?
And did he run to You,
and fuss and purr?
A tabby cat,
I think,
would be my choice For Your companion in Your boyhood days.
A cat striped like a Tiger,
with a coat As soft as silk,
and gentle winning ways.
Sweet Jesus,
if You loved a cat on earth I know You’ll understand me when I pray When he comes mewing at Heaven’s door,
Don’t turn a little tabby cat away.
May he be there to greet me when I come To meet You on that last and fateful day.
loving Lord,
may I have Tiger Cat?


by Melody Collier

Little cat,
in a distant sky Where mice are friends and bluebirds fly,
Where pain is forgotten and you can pass
With leaping grace over green,
green grass;
Little cat,
will you catch a star
And wonder,
a moment,
where you are?

Little cat,
in a distant land
Where nothing can harm you as you stand
And gaze at the clouds,
so pure,
so white;
And all is glad with a fresh delight,
Little cat,
in your newborn years,
Will you spare a thought for my falling tears?


by S L Smith

Paw-prints in the sands of time,
Tracks along an empty beach,
Towards a fate which is not mine,
A destiny out of my reach.
You’ve gone where I will some day follow,
But for now you’re out of sight,
Your years with me was time just borrowed,
Before you returned to heaven’s light.
No longer in my sight,
you vanished,
Through the veil of time and space,
In my memory you are cherished,
Ambassador of feline race.
Time and tides sweep clean your paw-marks,
Another’s paws will tread anew,
But you carved paw-prints in my own heart,
Eternal love-prints,
etched by you.
One day I’ll see your paw-prints glowing,
Sparkling in the morning dew,
Guiding me at my time of going,
Leading me sunwards,
back to you.
Author’s note: Every time I look at my driveway I see the pawprints of a little cat who walked across wet cement many years ago.
She has made her own journey to the next world,
but one day I will see a trail of sparkling paw-prints ahead of me.
Those paw-prints will lead me back to her side.
Until then,
those eternal pawprints help keep her memory safe in my heart.