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Kitties Review Of The Fly By Spinner Cat Toy

When it comes to animals, it is no secret that cats are the pickiest of the bunch. Keeping them entertained can be a chore, but recreation is essential to fulfilling feline instincts and satisfying their need to hunt. With hundreds of cat toys available on the market, it is a daunting task to find the right playtime accessory for your temperamental companion. The Pet Zone Fly By Interactive Spinner Toy is an option that has garnered some attention, but what about this alternative sets it apart from other options of a similar ilk?

The Pet Zone Spinner toy is a clever little device, with a hanging life-like butterfly attached to a wire that can be batted around and pounced upon. With realistic movement and sound, the butterfly spins, keeping your cat focused and amused for hours. The unpredictability of the spinning action allows your cat to stalk its prey and release its energy after a satisfying nap.

The design of the Fly By Spinner makes it ‘out of the box ready’ so your cat can indulge in its instincts immediately with the use of a single AAA battery. The straight-forward on-off switch makes the device worry free and does not need tending. 4 rubber feet on the bottom of the platform keeps the device stationary for aggressive play sessions from your pet. With a non-sliding grip on its plastic base, the Fly By Spinner is a safe outlet for your animal to enjoy for years to come.

Casper loves toys of all styles especially with feathers and strings and yellow ones! Meow!!

The Pet Zone Fly By Spinner also has glowing reviews, not just from its customers, but from the source where the opinion matters most; your feline. Tested hundreds of times over, this cat toy has proven to be engaging, interactive and time consuming for even the most unimpressed cats. The spinner works wonders in providing resolute stimulation for the animal, an absolute necessity when it comes to giving the proper care.

With durable construction and limited maintenance, the Pet Zone Fly By Spinner is the perfect addition to your cat’s proverbial playground. Because no two experiences with the toy are alike, the spinner offers a fresh outlet for your cat to enjoy each day. Needing only a single battery, it also gives consumers the most bang for their buck in offering a safe toy for the pet. Put simply, the Fly By Spinner is a practical solution to a cat’s boredom, and a solid addition to your pet’s trinket ensemble.

Spark & Ember

ember-the-cat-wrapped-in-redsIn February, my four kids and I lost our home to a fire. A wiring issue caused a light in our kitchen to catch fire in the wee hours of the morning. Luckily, everyone was able to get out of the house, and I called 911 as we watched our house go up in flames.

Obviously, it was a shock and a tremendous loss. We were very blessed to have an amazing circle of family and friends and a generous and supportive community, though.

A few weeks after the fire, the kids and I returned to gather some of our things that were salvageable. In doing so, we discovered three small kittens living inside the house (well, what was left of it!).

Of course, the kids fell in love at first sight, and we attempted to lure them out of the house with treats and words of encouragement.

Unfortunately, we were only able to rescue the gray and white tabby because the others were too skittish.

We named the rescued kitten Ember because we thought it was a cute name (sort of like Amber) that described how we came to adopt him. We quite literally rescued him from the embers of the fire!

Ember quickly became attached to my oldest daughter. Kelsey kept him in her room, and that’s where he preferred to stay for the first few weeks of living with us. Slowly, but surely though, he ventured out of his safe haven to explore around the house and get to know the other members of his new family: Billy, Katie, Taylor, and myself.

sparkyboy-the-casAfter a few playful interactions and some cuddle time, Ember began to trust and love us as much as we loved our new addition—well, almost!

A couple of months later, I was scrolling through Facebook as we are all apt to do these days, and I came across a post from a local grocery store that I follow to keep up with the weekly sales.

The owner had posted a picture of an older kitten on Facebook that she had rescued from around the same area where we used to live before the fire, advertising the little guy as free to a good home.

After examining the picture for a moment and considering the source, I started putting two and two together. I had my suspicions that this cute orange tabby was part of the family!

I didn’t want to get the kids’ hopes up, though, so I kept quiet about this exciting possibility until I could do a little detective work!

After looking at some more pictures and calling the lady to ask some questions, I was convinced—this was Ember’s brother! We wasted no time in driving over to adopt him.

We just couldn’t wait to reunite him with his long-lost sibling! We debated on a name for a few hours and eventually settled on Spark because of his orange fur and of course, the reference to how we first met our new little furbaby!

ember-and-spark-catsThe  boys were skeptical of one another at first, and it’s hard to say whether they remembered each other or not. Like Ember, Spark spent the first few weeks to himself as he became accustomed to his new home.

Eventually, he felt comfortable enough to hang out with us in the common areas of the house, and it’s been all uphill from there.

Emby and Sparkyboy (their nicknames) do everything together. Well, they mostly sleep (LOL!), but they also play together, go on nightly adventures around the neighborhood, and of course, fight—things all siblings do!

The whole family delights in their antics, and they have brought so much joy to our home and family and has helped us heal from the tragedy of losing our home.

The Ragdoll Cat

ringo-the-briman-catFor those of you who have never owned a Ragdoll before – BEWARE! The Ragdoll cat is probably one of life’s gifts. The cat has beautiful blue eyes and a cuddly and friendly disposition. That’s right the name came from their tendency to just go limp in your arms when you pick them up.

However, don’t be fooled. The Ragdoll gains immense pleasure in playing and I must say the going limp in your arms isn’t until they are a bit older. However, watching them running around the house playing can give me entertainment for hours. And when they’re not in full on ‘play mode’ they are following their owners from room to room. That’s right – they could be called the dog of cats.

My two actually run and greet me at the door when I come home. They scratch at the bathroom door or any door for that matter when it’s closed and they’re on the other side. They have to be with their owners at all times. The bond that is created is unbreakable. One of mine even wakes me up at the same time every morning by jumping on the bed and nuzzling my head. It’s his way of saying “good morning mom.” Some nights I wake up and they’re both sound asleep on the bed with me, or even more interesting is when one is sleeping on my pillow. How he fits on there comfortably is beyond me. But that’s the thing about ragdolls. They don’t need to be comfortable they just need to be with their humans.

Ragdolls even enjoy traveling in cars. You’d be well advised to start them at an early age, but once they’ve been accustomed to it they can drive around for hours. Even better is if you can stick a litter box somewhere in the back that they can just pop into should the need arise. Quite often they’ll curl up and go to sleep, but sometimes they’ll spend their time gazing out the window at the world going by.

Ragdolls are strict indoor cats and cannot be permitted to wander the outdoors. Their trusting and friendly disposition could get them into dangerous situations should they be outdoors as they’ll just wander up to anything without realizing the danger. All they want is to make another friend.

Ragdolls are addictive, so be prepared when making the decision. One is never enough. I currently have two and if I could convince my significant other to get a third I most certainly would. The most interesting trait of this cat though is while you assume that you are their owner, they know better. The Ragdoll always owns the human.

Bathing A Cat

Draw a nice warm bath and throw in a couple of salmon if you please! Bathing a cat isn’t as relaxing for a cat as it is for a human!

Most cats prefer to groom themselves instead of allowing their human companions to apply a brush or be bathed. Some take this really seriously and will become aggressive if someone tries to groom them.

After getting bitten, scratched and putting up with general uncooperative behavior, the feline will most likely either be left to his own devices and become horribly matted or will succumb to the stress and embarrassment of being shaved a couple times each year.

By teaching your cat to accept being groomed you can spare yourself and your cat the stress and agony of proper grooming.

The best way to begin is to associate the presence of the grooming tools with something positive such as kitty treats. Offer your cat the treats as he remains next to the tools. If you intend to bathe him, place the treats in the grooming tub or sink and allow your cat to eat them there.

When your cat is fully comfortable with being near the grooming tools or tub, begin touching him with the tools. For example, if you are using a brush for his long hair, offer him food rewards as you gently apply the brush. Some cats will allow brushing along their backs and heads, but not their stomachs or tails, which is where the knots tend to accumulate on a long haired cat.

Begin with the areas in which your cat is more amenable. When he relaxes during this process, do a little brushing off of those other areas. If he looks at the brush and thumps his tail it means he’s not happy with the situation. Do one more stroke, give him a treat and return to brushing the other areas and continually rewarding him.

Try to work with your cat for at least ten minutes each day. If you find he really likes the treats, or better yet, canned cat food, offer it to him only when you are brushing him. This way he’ll recognize the grooming process as his meal time, giving it a positive association.

If you are trying to teach your cat to allow bathing, begin with just teaching him to hop into the tub or sink by putting his meals in there. Once the location is no longer an issue, put a little bit of water in there too. Do not force your kitty to remain in the water at the beginning. However, he must remain there if he’s to get his rewards.

Should your cat be very stubborn and go on hunger strike until you remove the water, regress a bit to where he was comfortable remaining in the tub without the water. You can place a few low-sided plastic containers filled with water around him and continue to offer him food rewards as he remains in place. Gradually add more and more water filled containers as he accepts their presence.

You might find that regardless of how much time you put into teaching your cat to enjoy a bath he will always fight it. Try to make it a better experience by offering him treats and soft, soothing praise as you bath him.

When brushing gradually add strokes between the offer of food rewards. For example, begin with two strokes then praise and reward. Then do three strokes praise and reward; etc, until you can do many strokes between rewards.

Keep in mind that cats are far more cooperative if they fully understand their situation and what is expected of them. Positive conditioning goes a long way to a healthier and happier pet.

How To Bathe a Cat

Most cats HATE bath time! Here are some tips that can help make cat bathing time as stress free as possible for cats AND humans! If you have any other tips ...

Cats just don't want to bathe - Funny cat bathing compilation

Cats really hate bath time, but on the other hand, some of them really like it 😉 Here's a compilation about cats that just don't want to bathe. Hope you like our ...

White Cat Videos On Youtube

OMG there are so many uploads of cute cat videos on Youtube it would be possible to spend your entire life glued to the screen if you wanted to even try and watch half of them! While I do like to watch some funny videos I also don’t want to forget that we have our own real live amazing cats living with us and it is much more satisfying to snuggle up with Casper or Lily or Alaska instead of watching a video but still we do like to watch when we can! Here are a few white cat videos for you to enjoy.

YouTube player

Hungry cat - White cat really wants to eat

Hungry cat - White cat really wants to eat. This cat has recently mating with cats and she is now pregnant. She currently needs a lot of food.

White cat with blue eyes waiting for me

White cat with blue eyes waiting for me on the street. White cat today is not very hungry because she ate yesterday, a lot of food.

White cat very angry

White cat very angry and she wants to hit the former lover.

White cat meowing

I think it wants to go inside.

White cat with kittens now lives in a box next to the elevator

White cat with kittens now lives in a box next to the elevator. Residents of high-rise building allowed these kittens to live in the stairwell on the third floor.

Fluffy White Cat Play time in Slow motion

Such a pretty cat, looking like a cloud floating about. More cat stuff on www.SuddenlyCat.com.

White cat with friends and kitten meows on the street

White cat with friends and kitten meows on the street. The white cat is not hungry but her friends do not mind eating food. Link annotation: ...

Cute White Bunny Playing with White Cat

Simply an entertaining video of our super cute white Holland Lop rabbit (Ruby) playing with Paisley, a beautiful white odd-eyed cat we adopted from a shelter.

White cat wants to eat and drink

White cat needs a lot of food because it is at the sixth week of pregnancy after mating.

White Persian Cat

This cat loves to sleep in the sink. But when somebody disturb him, he would fight back!