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Cat Breeds Well Suited For Seniors

It’s hard to determine which cat will be best suited for a home with a senior citizen. Unfortunately you can’t tell which one is right for you just by looking at them. It is important to take into consideration the nature of the breed, their energy level and how much attention and care they will need.

Cats can live up to fourteen years and you should consider if the senior citizen wants to make that kind of commitment. You may want to talk to other family members and see if someone in the family would be willing to take over if the cat were to become too much for the senior to handle or if something should happen leaving the cat without a home. Here’s all the information you need to decide which breed is right for your situation.


Bangal Cats are medium to large in size with a moderate body type. Recommended for children over the age of 11 and adults 18-65. Bangals have a high activity level but can spend 4-8 hours a day alone. Bangals are generally quiet cats. They require grooming every couple of weeks. They are an affectionate cat that needs allot of attention from their family. These cats can be a handful which is why they are better suited with older children, adults and seniors.


Manx Cats are medium to large in size with a semi-coby body type. They have a short coat and require once weekly grooming. They have a normal activity level and have a normal vocality level. This breed can be very affectionate. They require a normal amount of attention from their owners and are good natured to be around anyone. Manx cats do well on their own for long periods of time. They are able to be alone for 8 hours or more a day. Easy to handle and care for makes them a perfect choice for any home.


Persian Cats are medium to large in size with a cobby body type. They have a long coat that requires daily grooming. Persians have a low activity level and are typically quiet cats. They are suitable for any age group as they are affectionate with everyone. They are easy to care for and can be alone anywhere from 4-8 hours a day.


Pixiebob Cats are medium to large in size with a semi-cobby body type. They can have a short or medium coat and require grooming every couple of weeks. Although they have a high activity level they are pretty much quiet cats. They are very affectionate and need only a normal amount of attention from their family each day. They are moderately easy to handle and can be left alone for up to 8 hours a day. These cats are good with children over the age of 6, adults 18-65 and seniors

A Healthy Cat Is A Happy Cat

tuxedo-cat-on-blue-cloudOur cats can bring us much happiness throughout our lives while living with them and observing their antics. They all have their little quirks and wonderful personalities. Making sure that they are healthy and happy is very important and it needn’t be difficult.

If you are a new cat owner you may find yourself perplexed as to how please your new feline friend. They can be very fickle when it comes to food and toys. Cats can be seemingly complicated creatures, but they really just want to be loved and adored.

The main thing to remember when you first get a new cat is to allow them time to adjust to their surroundings and environment. Cats are generally creatures of habit and it takes them time to acclimate when their routine is suddenly disrupted or broken. They may tend to hide somewhere at first, such as under a bed. This is perfectly normal and in time they will be out and about exploring their new home. They shouldn’t be rushed. Patience is a must when living with cats.

Healthy food is something that should be seriously considered. This is because what most people fail to realize is the pet food that you find at most super markets is of a very low quality and full of fillers and things like corn and ash that cats are simply incapable of digesting. You can however find very healthy food for your cat at pet supply stores or even purchase it online. Some of the acceptable brands include: Merrick, Wellness, Nutro, and Chicken Soup. These foods contain higher quality ingredients that supply all of the nutrition that your cat needs without the indigestible fillers and low quality junk. The healthier brands that I listed above are a bit more expensive than the inferior garbage (even the so-called healthy versions) that they sell to the masses, but please keep in mind that if your cat is eating healthier, then your cat will have fewer health problems and live a longer and happier life.

The type of litter that you choose for your cat is also very important. If you truly care about your cat’s health you will want to avoid clay litters. Clay litter is very dangerous and can cause cats serious health problems over time. This is because when cats clean themselves they can ingest bits of clay which can then expand in the digestive system and cause serious blockages. There are a wide variety of alternatives to clay on the market nowadays so this is very easy to avoid. Another reason to avoid clay is the mess. Other types of litter are much less messy and better for the environment. There are several varieties of non-clay cat litter available. Some are made of pine and these are in my opinion the best. I have tried using all of the others and ended up choosing a pine sawdust type litter called Feline Fresh. It is the least messy and smelly of all of the ones that I have tested. I tried “Swheat” which is a litter made from wheat. This was okay but it really got tracked around the house by my cat because it tended to get stuck in her paws and between her toes. I also tried Feline Pine which is pine sawdust that is formed into pellets that dissolve into clumps of sawdust. My cat didn’t seem to like the pellets but other than that it seemed to work well, so that is why I decided to try Feline Fresh. You would think that the saw dust litter would get tracked everywhere but it actually isn’t bad especially when compared to the clay or wheat cat litter.

Finally, toys are something that cats love and need but you really don’t have to spend a fortune on an expensive toy for kitten when she will most probably prefer playing with the box that it came in instead. That said, a good sturdy cat tree or cat condo equipped with scratching posts and places to hide can keep your cats entertained and pleased for hours. This can also save your furniture from being shredded by bored paws and claws.

These are just a few of the things to consider when looking to keep you cat happy and healthy, but the main thing is to have fun and remember to show your cat how much you love her by caring enough to give her the best. Because, after all, she deserves it.

Choosing The Best Cat Toys

tuxedo-cat-on-blue-cloudChoosing a cat toy for your favorite feline would seem like a no-brainer. Cats will pretty much play with anything. If you want to discourage your cat from playing with things around the house, then it’s a good idea to get them a cat toy that diverts their attention. Cat supply stores usually carry a whole selection of various cat toys, but sometimes the cat toy you choose is not a big hit with your pet.

The key to choosing a good cat toy is sometimes based on your particular cat’s individual personality. There are some cats that do not respond to cat toys at all. I have multiple cats and trying to please them all is sometimes difficult. My first cat hated any cat toy that contained cat nip. However, my other cats love cat nip. Another cat I have loves playing with balls. Another cat prefers to play with anything lying around the house, which I discourage.

I have tried a wide variety of cat toys and the most popular cat toy was the fishing pole type. Each one of my cats seems to like this type of cat toy. The pole variety that I chose has changeable attachments such as feathers, shiny pom-pom type strips, various animal shapes, etc. I found that the shiny pom-pom attachments got the most attention and got them excited and got their blood pumping. I like this particular type of cat toy because of the exercise my cats get when I whip it around. Cats may be lazy creatures by nature, but they still need a good dose of exercise to keep them healthy and happy.

Safety is another important factor when choosing a good cat toy. I always avoid anything that the cat can pry off or chew off with their teeth. Small objects attached to some cat toys such as bells, fake eyeballs, etc. can become a choking hazard. In fact, most cat toys are not intended to be left alone with your cat and should be only used with supervision.

Even with the fishing pole type cat toys, cats can chew them or run off with them or even get wrapped around in them if you are not watching them closely. I no longer leave them lying around. I only bring them out to use in an interactive way. I also learned to hide the fishing poles in a spot that they could not get to. My cats love those cat poles and will do anything to get a hold of one.

Experiment with one or two types of cats toys and then decide what your cat will take to best. If you find a particular cat toy that your cat likes and plays with a lot, then it might be a good idea to keep a spare around as well. It is best to get rid of any cat toys that are broken, split or overly frayed.

All in all, have fun interacting with your cat because this will make playing with cat toys even more fun for your cat if you stay involved. Cats can sense it if you are half-heartedly engaging with them and at that point, the best cat toys in the world won’t make a difference.

Is Your Cat Eating Her Emotions?

casperlicious-white-cat-in-front-of-woodstove-red-carpetDoes it seem like your cat is eating more than normal? Unfortunately, when a cat has an increase in the consumption of its food, which is called polyphagia, there may be an underlying cause that will need to be diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian.

There are two types of polyphagia.

Psychological polyphagia is the type that is occurring when the cat has a ravenous appetite due to overfeeding or from some sort of learned behavior.

Often times this type of polyphagia is associated with the aging process of the cat. This will often lead to the cat becoming overweight or obese.

The other type of polyphagia occurs when the cat has a disease that is causing the ravenous appetite. Cushing’s disease or hyperadrenocortism, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, bowel disease, tumors produced from insulin and a lack of gastrointestinal absorption of the nutrients in the cats body can all be causes of polyphagia.

Pregnancy is also reason for the cat over eating if it is a female that has been exposed and has not been spayed. As with most other symptoms, it is always best if the underlying condition is discovered as soon as possible and treatment has begun.

"Indeed, there is nothing on this earth more peaceful than a sleeping, purring cat." - Jonathon Scott Payne

“Indeed, there is nothing on this earth more peaceful than a sleeping, purring cat.”
– Jonathon Scott Payne

There are many reasons that a cat may eat more than usual. Not all are related directly to medical conditions that could affect the cat’s health in a negative way. But, if the cat owner is not sure why the cat is eating so much or is worried about it, then a trip to the veterinarian is a good idea. However, there are some signs to look for that may make the decision to take a trip to the vet easier.

These signs include the cat having a behavior change or a change in the confirmation of its body. The cat may also vomit and will of course eat more food than usual.

Polyphagia or ravenous appetite in cats is something that should be carefully watched. If the symptom does not subside in a timely fashion, then it is best to at least contact a vet and let them decide what action should be taken.

The vet may decide that the cat should be given a little more time before it has to be taken to the vet clinic for further examination.

As usual, it is always best to be safe than sorry when considering the health of the family cat.

White Cats Who Took Disney Roles

white-cats-of-disneyContrary to popular belief, white cats are not simply popular among pet owners, but in Hollywood as well. If you have watched Disney movies, you will notice that they love to add white cat in its cast. Who could blame them now that these cute, quirky, and sweet felines are adorable in every way?

White cats of Disney took roles, either as a villain or hero. No matter what casting they achieved, their personality reflects how endearing they are.

Though it is not National Cat Day, it would be perfect to commemorate the amazing acting skills of white cats in Disney films. Below is a list of fluffy celebrities that became the favorite of all time:

The Aristocats’ Duchess

The Duchess is the protagonist in the 1970 animated film, The Aristocats. She is the mother of Toulouse, Marie, and Berlioz.

The white cat is known for her pure white, long fur with blue eyes like sapphires. Duchess also wears a signature look with collar made of gold and diamonds.

From the movie itself, Duchess is a great representation of white Persian cat, which is ladylike and well-reserved. She is the pet of Madame Adelaide Bonfamille, an aristocrat. Apart from such, she is caring, kind, friendly, and talented.

cat-with-mickey-mouseThe Aristocats’ Marie

Besides the main female cat lead in The Aristocats, Duchess, Marie also played an important role in the movie.

The white Persian cat is the middle child of Duchess, being the younger sister of Toulouse and older than Berlioz.

Imitating her mother’s demure personality, she believes she is quite the little lady. Whenever she mimics Duchess, she ends up becoming dainty. Moreover, she likes to tittle-tattle on her siblings, resulting to their occasional tumble.

Lady and the Tramp’s Si and Am

Remember the twin Siamese cats of Aunt Sarah in Lady and the Tramp? They may look like well-behaved, but they have committed serious crimes in the movie. Just imagine them robbing the icebox and pinning Lady on the fault of stealing the baby’s milk.

White Siamese cat is one of the many breeds of white cat. They are originally from Thailand and are also called as Wichian Mat. Siamese cats may come in different colors apart from white, such as seal, blue, and chocolate.

Frankenweenie’s Mr. Whiskers

If you love the weird film Frankenweeni back in 2012, you surely remember Mr. Whiskers. The Persian cat is the pet of Weird Girl with fluffy fur and large eyes. Apart from his owner, he does not show actual affection to anyone.

The character of Mr. Whiskers is usually quiet. He just stares at people without blinking similar to how his owner acts.  Nonetheless, he may appear hushed but enjoys codding Sparky and other dogs in the neighborhood.

There is no exception that you have loved cats not only in real life, but from movies as well. They could take on castings at different levels. The list of white cats on Disney is a proof that more celebrity white cats will emerge.