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Cat Trees

Window Perches

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Cat Strollers

Cat Books

Sookie & Mister

tabby-and-white-cat-in-sunbeam  I have strangest roommates. They are an oddball pair, middle aged, both pudgy around the middle rather on the lazy side. He is mellow, most of the time being as chill as Buddha, while she is high strung and often demanding.

Somehow, they have made it through as a committed couple for the better part of ten years, with a few mild domestic altercations here and there, but nothing I felt I had to call the police about.

I met them both in 2008, knowing absolutely nothing about them, but I needed a pair of roommates and their photograph on the online ad looked nice.

I took a chance and drove to the home they were soon to vacate and picked them up. He was cool about the whole thing, and got into the car with no fuss, while she was all drama – freaking out, crying, getting a bit physical. Oh boy, this should be interesting!

So, it took them a while to settle in, as is often the way with new roommates, but if you give it time you will get to know them and appreciate them (and their funny quirks). You will have likely have some awesome buddies, as I now have. Sure, some days I have to clean up some unpleasant messes, separate an escalating verbal dispute before it gets worse or run to the store if they have run out of their favorite snack, but their friendship is something I can always count on.

When we met Mister, he had another name but that went with his old life, so that was quickly forgotten and he simply goes by Mister now. His needs are few. Give him some dinner, a peaceful place to sleep and a clean bathroom – yeah, he is really particular about that – and he is content.

sookie-the-tabby-catHe enjoys the quiet life of a semi-retired gentleman – bird watching and strolls around the garden.

Sookie is her name. Brunette with some random streaks of other colors, green eyes, a nervous little thing who can be sugar sweet one minute and loud and bossy the next. It’s all about Sookie, we often say.  She has been known to be pushy and a quite demanding, and the limits to Mister’s nearly limitless patience get stretched until sometimes he snaps.

Yeah, these domestic melees aren’t pretty, but counseling is not the answer, neither is the law, so I just try to deal with them the best way I can, as a good friend of both of the concerned parties.

They usually start the same way with Mister minding his own business, perhaps watching the autumn leaves fall outside the window or getting ready for bed, when the missus decides he should be paying attention to her. Not taking no for an answer, she will place herself well within his personal space, look him dead in the eye and wait.

If that doesn’t get her the results she was looking for, she will give Mister a little shove. He backs up. She shoves him again, then that’s it, all the Zen evaporates and Mister starts smacking Sookie! Off she goes, running to the dining room to hide, and he is left sitting by himself wondering what the hell just happened?

Then all is quiet again. Peace restored. Until tomorrow, that is, until Sookie has forgotten that Mister likes to be left alone sometimes, and that selfish bratty behavior will get you a smack in the head every time.

I often compare her to Dory, the forgetful little fishy from Finding Nemo.

Yet they love each other. Or as I sometimes say, she really, really looooooves him and he just tolerates her extremely well.

The best moments are when you find the frequently scrappy duo curled in an adorable cuddle puddle, cheek to cheek, limbs entwined snoring away in tranquil bliss. Gotta love my feline roomies!


The White FuryThe White Fury

Casper, Belle & Lily Re-united

Stay Home Cat!Stay Home Cat!

Fresh LinensFresh Linens

Always snug and cozy when the bed is warmed with freshly washed and dried sheets and covers.

Casper, Belle and the ManateeCasper, Belle and the Manatee

Belle was so happy to meet a new friend, the Disney Manatee!

Casper approachingCasper approaching

I’m here.

I win! It’s a bed!I win! It’s a bed!

Every night bell would knock everything off of the bedside table and every night it would get replaced on to the bedside table and then the next night they’ll would knock everything off the table again and again and again now she wins a bed has been made and she rests on a nest of ...

Belle, a real dreamerBelle, a real dreamer

sweet hearted girl little deaf white cat named Belle has been less than four months since her arrival she has seen some bad things as a rural farm kitten before being fostered briefly before being spotted outside Casper, Lily, and Alaska’s home and adopted in to the white cat world family Belle is a real dreamer 😻

Belle the white cat writing songsBelle the white cat writing songs

It was a very good night writing some new songs got all plugged in tuned up and had the tuna to in we were working on the songs and the new theme two should be just great I can’t wait till it’s done it was a good night driving and working on the melodies ...

Beautiful BelleBeautiful Belle

Belle loves to sit in the Zen bed at the front window watching the chickadees drinking in the fountain and the morning doves in the Pinetrees. It’s one of her favourite spots in the house.

Belle will be cartoon cat in my Lana Purrrilla book seriesBelle will be cartoon cat in my Lana Purrrilla book series

Inspired tale of magical maybes with a raccoon in a garden and tigers on the river boulders sniffing at the roses. Have started writing and it will feature Belle as Lana Purrila and her escapades with WhiteCatWorld darlings Lily, Casper and the ominous Little Grey Thing. Can’t decide if I should go darker or something else that’s ...

White Cat GalleryWhite Cat Gallery

White Cat Gallery

Wait what? Who me?Wait what? Who me?

Casper does a perfect double take his eyes are amazing and the timing is just perfect comedy gold Casper is an amazing white cat with his offset eyes and big round face such a cutey!

Cat SkyscraperCat Skyscraper

We replaced the big bulky kennel with this deluxe cat skyscraper. Lily and Belle are happy to test the structure, seems earthquake-proof and hurricane-resistant but Belle might prove to be a challenge!

The new denThe new den

All moved in to the larger room They basically got me to give them an en-suite

White Cat AngleWhite Cat Angle

White Cat Angle


THE LAST ACT OF COMPASSIONby S Hartwell She lies there gently breathing, And she’d like for you to know, That she’s reached the final crisis And it’s time for her to go. She needs a little help now, To ease her from this life, There’s nothing left but suffering, You can see it in her eyes. ...


THE PURRY GATESby Anon It seems that I’ve reached Heaven, or its doorstep at any rate, And been winding round St Peter’s ankles by the Pearly Gates, I’ve plucked the angels’ harp-strings and made a merry sound, But it’s plucking at my heartstrings that you are not around. So I think I’ll sit and wait here, ...


MESSAGE FROM SOOTYby Marie Anthony My very dear Master and his Lady Wife I am really enjoying this lovely new life; The milk is like nectar, the food is ambrosial; When I get my wings up I must pay you a call And sun-bathe awhile in the old tortoise house Oh, I’ve just met a young ...


AFTERTHOUGHTby W Girt If ever I get to Heaven, please, Peter let there be Purring by the Golden Gates, a cat to welcome me. By crystal fountain, clear and cool, I’d like a place to stop, To watch a languid pussy paw curl out to catch a drop. And if an angel feather drifts gently down ...


ON THE DEATH OF A FAVOURITE CATby Hilda Lunn Since you have gone the sun has left the sky, No breezes blow, No birds sing To ease the aching vacuum in my heart. I shall not forget your gentle ways; No judgements made, No difficult demands, No needs save one, To share your life with mine. ...

Alexandra’s Cat

tuxedo-cat-on-blue-cloud Bringing a cat into your home might not seem like much of hassle, but for people that haven’t had the chance to raise a cat before, it may not be such a predictable experience. You need to be acquainted to some of the quirks cats present and learning a few tricks would be immensely useful! As I’ve described in my previous article regarding this topic, cats are a force to be reckoned with and as adorable and lovely as they generally are, you should prepare yourself for a unique experience!

Cats are not dogs! Period! As absurdly obvious as this statement may seem, it is an common mistake people make. I’ve been a dog owner all my life and my interaction with cats has been limited to playing with them whenever I visited my aunt’s house or when I saw a fluffy bundle on the street and tried to cuddle it. So there’s little surprise in the fact that my early experiences with my first cat were confusedly similar to how I behaved with my dogs and so were my expectations.

Our fateful meeting

I’ve often heard people mention that cats choose their owners, not the other way around, so when my boyfriend entered the house one lovely afternoon with a black and white cat following in his footsteps, I half expected what he later on explained. The little devil had been standing on top of a car staring at him and meowing as he parked in front of our house. He, of course, went to pet him, after which mister cat decided that he was a decent enough fellow and followed him inside our apartment building, climbed up four flights of stairs on his own and then entered our home. It was clear enough to me that he (the cat, not my boyfriend) hadn’t had the chance to eat lunch yet, so I fed him and we agreed we would be keeping him just for the night and then let him go. It was all hugs and purring that evening and the next day, when we took him downstairs, twice, he sniffed the clean morning air a few times as he stood in front of the main entrance, after which he simply followed us back upstairs. So, there you have it! We were, not so gently informed, that we are to reside with him from now on and that’s that!

I’ve had animals follow me home before or which I took back home of my own free will, but most of them (birds and dogs alike) usually tended to desire to leave once they were fed and had their required share of attention. Even if “we remained friends”, so to speak, and they visited me from time to time to grab a snack, they mostly preferred to go back to wherever they came from. Not the case with cats, it seems. If a cat has decided to follow you home on its own, well, then you’ve got yourself a new roommate.

tuxedo-colored-cat-playingHugs and kisses are for children

After a visit to the vet, we were told that our furry friend is somewhere in between 8 to 10 months old. It was clear he was not a kitten any longer, yet he seemed to enjoy our undivided attention, caresses and cuddles. For a while, that is…After a week or two, he started demanding that we let him outside again. As fearful as we first were, I went for a walk with him, distancing myself from him a meter at most. I shortly discovered that he would respond to me whistling and would immediately return to my side, so my anxiety lessened. “Well, this is not so different from having a dog.” I thought to myself. Eventually, we gathered our courage and started leaving him on his own for a few hours, after which we’d go outside and start whistling and making cat sounds until he returned. I was so convinced my new cat was a reincarnation of a dog, that it came as a total surprise to me, when a few months later, our loving interactions lessened and became conditioned.

Ladies and gentlemen, don’t fool yourselves into thinking that a cat is similar to any other pet you’ve had before! They might, at times, let you believe that they are the reincarnation of a dog, but when it comes to cuddles, they progressively transition from accepting your caresses wherever and whenever to only allowing you to pet certain parts of their bodies and just when they so desire. In short, you go from “YAY, free massages” to “pet me…with your eyes!” and, if you want to stay palls, you simply have to accept this!

Sleeping in is for suckers

I’ve never been much of a morning person and after constantly being pestered as a child and adolescent by my parents to try and change my sleeping habits, I truly felt blessed having my own house and creating my own rules. Little did I know that, as nocturnal animals, cats like to chase their toys around the house in the middle of the night. That, in itself, can be amusing and manageable as long as you are not a light sleeper. Luckily, that is not my case. At first, my adorable bundle of fur would come to bed with us and cuddle on my pillow with me until I fell asleep. As time passed though, he decided that my toes look extremely scrumptious and started biting them anytime in between 3 and 6 in the morning. Suffice it to say that it wasn’t a very pleasant experience for me, but with a bit of patience and a few tricks I managed to get it out of his system and we are now pillow friends once more.

On this note, I advise all cat owners to avoid yelling or punishing their cat by restricting access to their sleeping quarters! You will not achieve anything by doing so and you will only scare and frustrate your cat! As stubborn and independent creatures, cats will persist in doing what they please, but as they grow older they tend to quiet down. I’ve also discovered that by nicely picking him up and placing him aside helps to dissuade a cat from doing something. So don’t despair, have patience, laugh it off and don’t treat your cat like a child. It usually has the opposite effect!

 Hell hath no fury like a cat scorned

Pets usually get anxious and sad when their owners leave for a prolonged period of time. I feared how our cat would react, so when we had to leave the country for a week I decided the best course of action was to ask my boyfriend’s mother to come visit twice a day. She not only fed and cleaned after him, she spent a few hours playing with him each time she came, which, in my opinion, was more than I could ask for. Nonetheless, upon our return our lovable demon made sure to express his displeasure with us. At first, there were small things such as jumping on the kitchen counter in front of us, although he knows we do not allow that, or chewing on paper tissues or not allowing us to pet him. It was mostly amusing, but then he moved on to pushing things off my nightstand and stealing my jewelry. We were afraid he would eventually break something and hurt himself so we did our best to show him as much affection as possible and managed to distract his attention with toys. It took longer than I expected, but I am proud to say that we have survived the rebellious phase!

When your cat is acting out, trick him into playing with you instead. Distract his attention with things you would allow him to chew or scratch and play with him until you tire him out. Instead of having him go rowdy in the night, this helps you save a lot of quiet sleep! Surprise snacks and treats are also very useful!

Every experience is unique and, depending on breed, each cat has its own temperament and preferences. However, there are some general aspects which every new cat owner should take into consideration. And, remember:

Once you go cat, you can never go back!


Cat Quotes

It’s sometimes difficult to put our feelings into words and when it comes to describing cats and the emotions and love they can stir in our hearts. I’ve learned that sometimes the best way to express myself with my cats is to just sit near them and put a hand near them or stroke their fur gently. Laying down next to them and getting to their level and just sitting still with them is a very bonding activity and I learn so much watching their subtle movements as they communicate the workings of their life journey to us. When I find a piece of writing, a poem or a small passage that encapsulates the sentiment of knowing what it is to have a cat in your life, and it really touches me, I am thankful that so many writers and thinkers and regular people like myself have attempted to convey their feelings about cats.

Here are some of my favorite cat quotes


1. “There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats.”
– Albert Schweitzer


“There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats.” – Albert Schweitzer

2. “Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”
– James Herriot

"Cats are connoisseurs of comfort." - James Herriot

“Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”
– James Herriot

3. “Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose.”
– Garrison Keillor

"Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose." - Garrison Keillor

“Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose.”
– Garrison Keillor

4. “What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
– Charles Dickens

"What greater gift than the love of a cat." - Charles Dickens

“What greater gift than the love of a cat.” – Charles Dickens

5. “A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.”
– Ernest Hemingway

"A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not." - Ernest Hemingway

“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.”
– Ernest Hemingway

6. “The smallest feline is a masterpiece.”
– Leonardo da Vinci

"The smallest feline is a masterpiece." - Leonardo da Vinci

“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.”
– Leonardo da Vinci

7. “I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.”
– Jean Cocteau

"I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul." - Jean Cocteau

“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.” – Jean Cocteau

8. “I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.”
– Hippolyte Taine

"I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." - Hippolyte Taine

“I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.”
– Hippolyte Taine

9. “I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.”
– Jules Verne

"I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through." - Jules Verne

“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.”
– Jules Verne

10. “When I am feeling low all i have to do is watch my cats and my courage returns”
– Charles Bukowski

"When I am feeling low all i have to do is watch my cats and my courage returns" - Charles Bukowski

“When I am feeling low all i have to do is watch my cats and my courage returns”
– Charles Bukowski

Quotes About CatsQuotes About Cats

Here are  some more totally true quotes about cats. The tiny truths that writers and poets can reveal about live by seeing the world through their cats is remarkable. It is so heartwarming to see how cats can impact us and help us create an appreciation and respect for nature and for life by simply ...

Superstitions, Legends & Symbolism Of White Cats Around The WorldSuperstitions, Legends & Symbolism Of White Cats Around The World

When you think about the adorable nature and endearing curiosity of your pet cat, it’s not far-fetched to contemplate the delightful relationship between humans and pet cats in general. This relationship is a legacy that extends back to over 9,500 years ago. Understandably, for a legacy this long, the innate behavioral patterns and biological characteristics of ...

Famous Cat QuotesFamous Cat Quotes

Here are another ten famous quotes about cats. If you’ve read Anne of Green Gables you won’t be surprised to see L.M. Montgomery held a certain fondness for cats but when you see a quote by H.P. Lovecraft you might be a little more surprised to know that his philosophies on life and the beyond ...

Great Quotes About CatsGreat Quotes About Cats

Here are 10 more quotes by some famous authors who you might be surprised to learn were such ardent cat lovers. Would you ever suspect Charles Bukowski, the salty poet and dark angel of the literary world to get all purring and soft when he discusses his feline friends?  William Burroughs, the beat author and ...

Cat QuotesCat Quotes

It’s sometimes difficult to put our feelings into words and when it comes to describing cats and the emotions and love they can stir in our hearts. I’ve learned that sometimes the best way to express myself with my cats is to just sit near them and put a hand near them or stroke their ...



tigger-catMy mom has always had a special soft spot for orange cats, and she just couldn’t say no when our vet called saying there was a kitten there in need of a home. He came to us with the name Tarzan but was soon renamed Tigger, and there’s a common theme to these names you might not have expected outside of the letter ‘T.’ When Tigger plays, he leaps across the room! He jumps and pounces and bounces all over the place in the absolute cutest manner possible. It’s actually pretty terrifying to see him leap directly at you with his paws splayed open wide, but thankfully he keeps his claws in during playtime! This energy is what landed him the name Tarzan at the vet, with it resembling Tarzan swinging around, and with us he is our springy little Tigger (or Tiggy).

Tigger stayed with me in my room for his first couple days in the house, to get him used to things, and he and our other young male Oreo really got into some trouble with how wildly they liked to play. Both of them would shoot across the room, banging into all sorts of things and causing general mayhem wherever they went! It was funny to watch, but not so fun to clean up after when they knocked practically everything that wasn’t bolted down or too heavy for them over.

A couple weeks after Tigger came to stay with us, we learned a shocking truth about the day we first took him home. We had gone to see our vet and he told us that that had been Tigger’s last morning in the clinic. Tigger had been born with feline AIDS, and while people were interested in him before learning this fact, it turned everyone else away from taking him home. He had been in the clinic so long due to this that he had reached their holding limit. If we hadn’t have decided to go get him that morning, it would have been too late for little Tiggy! You can imagine as soon
as we got home he was smothered with all kinds of love and given a nice can of food (which we had also learned he had never tasted before coming home with us!).

We are so happy to have Tigger, and are even happier to know that us getting him that day made a difference. Our vet didn’t plan on telling us about Tigger’s impending doom that day since he didn’t want to make us feel pressured with our decision to bring him home. Which is very kind of him; I’m sure we would have all felt awful after-the-fact if we had learned about this if we didn’t take him in!

oreo-cat-with-tigger-catThese days we’re preparing for Christmas with our cats, and plan on getting them a big cat condo-tree to give them something to climb (hopefully to keep them off the curtains!). Aside from Tigger, indoors we have Oreo (who I mentioned briefly and can be seen with Tigger in their photo), who is a little black and white part-Manx with a cute stubby tail, and Jinx who is our fluffy little lady with silky black fur. Then, outside (by their own choice!) we have Vassa, an older black male who, like Tigger, has feline AIDS, Ollie who is our Maine Coon, and Pippi, my own precious baby. At one point or another all three of our outdoor cats preferred to be indoors, but now that we’ve moved out into the country they enjoy staying outside.

We also have dogs but, for the most part, the cats and dogs don’t mind each other. Occasionally our Beagle will get a bit too nosey with the cats or charge at them, but often times you can see them coexisting in the living room together, each claiming a couch for their own. While spooked by the dogs at first, Tigger has learned not to let them bother him. He adjusted very quickly, actually, and has full rein of the house now that we don’t have to worry about him
with the dogs. He’s a regular part of the family now and I hope to be able to get more, less sad, stories about him in the years to come!

How to Give Eye Medication to Your Cat

Many cat eye diseases or injuries require that you give your cat eye medication. These include the herpes virus, abscesses, and glaucoma. This article will describe three different options you can use to give your cat the eye medication.

Giving your cat eye medication can be a difficult process. It requires some sneakiness and planning on the owner’s part because few cats have patience when humans mess with their eyes. Unlike humans, cats may not understand why you are messing with his or her eye. He or she may think you are trying to hurt him or her rather than help.

The first way of giving your cat eye medication I call the towel method. For this procedure, you’ll need your cat, a towel, and the eye medication prescribed to your cat. First, wrap your cat in the towel. Make sure that all of his or her paws are wrapped up in the towel and only your cat’s head is sticking out. You want to wrap your cat similar to how one swaddles a baby.

Next, place your cat gently between your legs. Make sure you do not press your legs around your feline too hard or it may hurt him or her. With the feline’s paws wrapped up, you will be able to easily slip the eye drops into his or her eyes.

Another way you can give your furry friend his or her eye medication requires two people. One person holds the feline while the other slips the eye drops into his or her eyes. The person holding the cat can hold his or her paws so that the feline doesn’t scratch the medicine giver.

Sneakiness is involved in the third way you can give your cat his or her eye medicine. Watch your feline around the time you are supposed to give him or her one’s medicine. When your cat has settled down for a nap or looks peaceful and restful, you will sneak up, open your feline’s eyelids enough to get the medicine in, and you’ll be done with that dose. Your cat will not have time to react with this method of eye medication giving.

Whichever way you choose to give your cat his or her medicine, reward him or her with a treat to reinforce that you want to help and not harm your feline.

These are three ways you may want to try in order to give your feline his or her prescription eye medication. The goal of these methods is to reduce the stress of the experience for you and for your cat. If you need further advice on giving eye medicine to your feline, please consult your veterinarian.