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10 Cat Symptoms That Need A Vet

If your dear kitty has any of these symptoms you really should get that precious cargo down to the vet right away. Unless you work at home or are at home all day with your cat you’ll need to understand that felines are notorious for hiding out and doing their own thing, usually napping, all day.

Cats do a much better job at hiding sickness and pain compared to dogs or humans. Cats can be suffering without giving much of an indication that anything is wrong so it is important to keep vigilant to any symptoms that might indicate something is amiss. Don’t be shy about contacting your vet about any health issues you might suspect are wrong with your cat, sometimes a cat can go from bad to worse within a few hours and the difference between saving the cat and losing your friend is really a matter of hours or days.

1. Vomiting
Hairballs are common with cats, they lick and swallow hair from their grooming and it creates balls of fur in their tummy that comes up as a hairball. The sound of a cat coughing up a hairball is quite common but if your cat is vomiting any sort of liquid or food it could mean that there is something wrong.

2. Diarrhea or Strange Pooping
Diarrhea in any creature can be a warning sign; it could be something as benign as an upset stomach or reaction to food but liquid poops can be caused by a parasite, virus, or even indicate the early signs of cancer. If your cat has diarrhea that is more than just an isolated case of the shits,  it is important that you get your cat to the vet immediately for treatment.

Sometimes a cat will go to the bathroom in the hallway or outside of the litter box to try and tell you something is wrong. Inspect and turds that are left outside of the litter box as they might have worms in the feces which can be identified by the vet. Cats can’t speak our language so often any odd behavior is a method of communication for the cat.

3. Cat refuses to eat for days on end
Sometimes the introduction of a new food can cause your cat to turn up her snout at the bowl she used to gallop towards. When changing foods always do a gradual change from the familiar brand to the new blend. If your cathas an abnormal appetite for one day it could be a non event;  however if your cat refuses to eat for several days in a row , or seems “off” at meal time, this may be a symptom of illness. Contact your vet.

4. Bleeding
Unless your cat has been in a fight with another animal bleeding is not normal , especially if there are no visible marks; if bleeding occurs from any orifice or is visible in the poop take the cat immediately to the vet.

5. Unusual bad breath
Some cats seem prone to halitosis. Just like people and dogs, proper dental care is important for healthy gums and teeth. Cats can have a strong breath smell due to their cleaning habits and their diet. Feeding them a good quality food can help and adding breath freshening liquids to their water bowl can also help, just like a mouthwash can help your husband in the morning! If the breath of the cat is unusually bad this could be a sign of disease that is beyond just the dental hygiene. This should not be ignored and should be looked at by a vet as soon as possible. Cats can go to the dentist as well and you will improve the quality of life of your cat by taking care of their fangs and chompers!

6. Thirst
Cats like to drink and it’s important to provide clean fresh water for them but if your cat is drinking much more than normal and there is no change in the air  temperature or activity levels then any excess thirst could be a sign of diabetes or other diseases; this should be checked out if the cats craving for water or liquids continues.

7. Cat Walking Funny
You’re probably used to the elegant gait of your cat as she struts down the hallway or across the lawn. If your cat suddenly starts walking funny, limping, or has obvious signs of physical distress it could be a broken bone. Cats cat fall from high places and land safely on their feet but impact with an object while falling or a closing door or falling heavy object can break a cats bone. If your cat appears to be in  in pain and has trouble moving or walking it could mean a bone has been damaged; broken bones need to be treated by a professional so call the vet right away.

8. Unusual walking patterns
If your cat seems confused or has an unusual pattern when they walk  they may be sick, if the symptoms continue seek the help of a vet.

White kitten visiting vet for check up. Regular visits to the vet are the best way to keep your friend healthy! Photo licensed via Adobe Stock Images.

9. Gargling Breathing Sounds
If your cat exhibits odd breathing patterns or sounds short of breath it could be a sign of a lung condition or a cancer. Your vet can offer steroid treatments or specific medications for your cat but time is of the essence. If your cat sounds like their may be water in the lungs then you should contact your vet immediately.

10. Your Cat Is Trying To Tell You Something Is Wrong
Cats communicate on a different level; they use body language and eye contact to create a dialogue and express emotions. Understanding this animal communication is not easy but you should listen to your instincts if you feel your cat is trying to express any discomfort or problem. If you suddenly feel that, for some reason, your cat is telling you something is wrong with them, don’t disregard this intuition. Keep an eye on your cat if you have some ‘flash’ that something is wrong with them as it might be them trying to communicate to you beyond language and reason.

One morning, we had a cat who showed sudden signs of being ill, and needed to be taken to the vet because of a strange breathing condition. We dropped him off at the vet for tests and went for a walk to wait. While we walked I told my wife that I had felt something was wrong with our cat by the way he was looking at me the night before; he has seemed to be looking strange but didn’t show any symptoms of distress. A few hours later the vet called to say we needed to come immediately because our cat was dying. When we got to the vet our cat was dead.

We were heartbroken, of course, but I think back on the night before when our cat had looked at me and I felt something was wrong but didn’t react to my intuition. I am saddened to think that if I would have listened to my gut that night I would have taken him to the vet right away and maybe they could have saved him.

White Cat Names From Flowers

Naming a white cat requires some contemplation and understanding of your new cat friend. Take the time to make your new cat’s name one that will bring out the best of your little puss-puss!

When we first adopted our white cats, we didn’t have too much trouble finding a name for them. I think with any cat or dog the name you give tends to come from some mysterious subconscious place that often is unknown. When our sable Burmese cat Jasper passed away suddenly and we decided we were adopting a cat from the SPCA, it was in October and Halloween was approaching so when we picked not one but two white cats the name that jumped out for the male was Casper. Casper became the friendly ghost of Jasper and it seemed so fitting!

With the female white cat, Casper’s little sister, we didn’t have a name right away but being fond of flowers and gardening we chose Lily as the white Lily is such a beautiful flower and our little white cat was also so beautiful that the name Lily just seemed to fit perfectly!

If you like flowers, then there are some great white flowers that can inspire you for a cat name. Understanding the meaning and symbolism behind flowers can inspire unique names so you don’t just call your cat Whitey or Ghost or Milkshake, although those are pretty good names for a cat!

Anyway, here are some white flowers that might help choose a good name for a white cat.

White rose flowers symbolize beauty and represent true and young love. White roses are filled with spirituality and stand for purity, hope and virtue. They are also considered as a symbol of secrecy because of their discreetness. Iceberg rose is a classic cup flower which contains several petals. This is nearly a thorn less flower; thus, it is ideal for wedding bouquets. It symbolizes innocence, spirituality, sympathy, honor, and remembrance. White roses also symbolize reverence and are often used at memorial services and funerals and for tributes.

Lily was looking a bit apprehensive here…maybe curious or asking a question of me as I took the picture early in the morning

This beautiful lily opens into a classic bloom revealing eye-catching lime white petals. Their unique shape and pure bloom color are the marvelous creation that brides often choose for their weddings. It enhances the royalty of a bouquet when used in a flower arrangement. White lilies symbolize purity and virginity.

The Lily of the Valley is a gorgeous little spring flower reflects beauty and magnificence and is mainly cultivated for their scent that is used in perfume industry. This bell-shaped flower signifies the return of happiness and is used as a symbol of humility in religious paintings for its association with Christ’s second coming.

White orchid is not as common as the colored one and is considered as the rarest type of orchid. The flower looks extremely elegant and pure and stands out in every flower arrangement making it look exotic. White orchids stand for purity, innocence, virtue, and divine beauty. It is often considered as a symbol of elegance and glamor and is sure to dress up any wedding bouquet.

Tulips are one of the most loved flowers in the world and are an absolute beauty to the eye. White tulips are spring flowers which symbolize warmth, beauty, and new beginnings. It is perfect for any occasion and represents purity, forgiveness, and serenity. It is often given as a token of forgiveness, so bestowing these flowers can be the perfect way to apologize to someone. In the language of flower, it stands for ‘claiming worthiness’.

White carnations are simple and sophisticated classical blooms with a wholesome and extravagant look. White carnations are 3 types, the light, and regular carnations with a big bloom at the top of the stem, the spray ones with smaller flowers and the short or dwarf ones which have one stem with several flowers. A white carnation bouquet with its divine beauty is perfect for Mother’s Day celebration and wedding ceremonies. White carnations stand for perfect love and innocence.

Gerbera daisies, with their wide spreading blooms, are lavishing flowers that have been admired for their exquisite beauty. The pale white blooms, complemented with a black center bulb and green stem makes it look extremely gorgeous. This cheerful flower can brighten any one’s day and lift people’s mood in a matter of few seconds. White gerbera daisies stand for sentimental clarity and beauty.

White hibiscus is a breathtakingly beautiful flower that is used not just for decorative purpose but is also used for its healing properties and to cure diseases. White hibiscus symbolizes purity and fertilization and stands for ‘seize the opportunity’ in the language of flowers.

Thin White Cat

Hydrangea is a snowball-shaped flower which looks like a white cotton candy on a stick. It is made up of smaller white blooms with a faint blue ball at the center. White hydrangea is mainly suited for gardens but is at times also used for bouquet arrangement purpose. White hydrangea is a symbol of friendship and devotion and represents deep understanding.

White daisies are innocent looking simple flowers that are often used for bridal bouquets, for decoration purpose and as sympathy flowers. The beautiful white flowers symbolize innocence and purity, simplicity, and new beginnings. White daisies are also considered as a secret flower and hide secret love messages in the language of a flower.

White daffodil is known as a soaring flower of all times and announces the rebirth of nature. This amazing flower has a divine beauty and charm and symbolizes friendship and new beginnings. White daffodil is a 10th-anniversary flower and represents rebirth and unrequited love. It is also a sign of wealth and good luck and bestowing a bouquet of white daffodils is believed to bring good luck and future happiness to the receiver.

Magnolia flower is extremely popular in the USA and is the official state flower of Mississippi and Louisiana. The general meaning of Magnolia is feminine sweetness and beauty and reflects tenacity while white Magnolia stands for purity and perfection.

This wonderful flower with an irresistible fragrance is rarely used for decoration purpose and is mainly used in the cosmetic and perfumery industry for its wonderful scent. This flower symbolizes attachment and sensuality while the little Jasmine flowers symbolize modesty, grace, and elegance.

This exotic, precious and freshly looking flower expresses devotion of a young lover to another. The petals of this flower stand for the spirit of the ladies and the holder of the petals represents a young man and the protector of the lady. They come in various flowers, each carries a different meaning. White Camellia stands for “you’re adorable” in the language of flowers.

Japanese anemone is a cup-shaped flower that comes in just two shades, pink and white. It is believed that anemone sprang from the tears of Aphrodite as she mourned the death of Adonis. Anemone carries both positive and negative meaning. It stands for forsaken since it sprang from Aphrodite tears, while at the same time, it is believed to protect against evil and bad luck.

This is one of the most cheerful flowers with white petals and sunny yellow centers making it perfect for summer weddings. As per flower symbolism, Shasta daisy stands for love, purity, and innocence. There are other meanings as well like loyal love, patience, beauty, and secrecy between two people.

Vinca, popularly known a Madagascar periwinkle or myrtle, is a beautiful shiny flower with green foliage. Annual Vinca is a saucer-shaped flower in saturated shades of red, rose, pink and white. The white variety looks the best of all and is often used for decoration purpose. It stands for friendship and loyalty.

Backlit White Cat with Red Berries

Queen Anne’s Lace:
The Queen Anne’s lace has its origin in Europe and has been given this name due to its lacy look. Queen’s Anne Lace, is also known as bird’s nest, bishop’s lace, wild carrot among various other names. This umbrella-shaped cluster of lacy blooms looks quite unique and different than other flowers. It represents ‘sanctuary’ in the language of flowers.

This fresh white flower is a typical springtime flower, with is delicate petals opened fully to reveal yellow throats of the outermost petals. This white flower is often used in a wedding bouquet, table centerpiece and flower arrangements.

This trumpet-shaped flower is a highly fragrant flower which opens at dusk and closes at dawn. It has a spiritual history where it was used in Buddhist tantric text which elaborated on worship and healing uses of the flower.

These summery flowers are lobe-shaped flowers with pure white petals and a bright yellow center. Dahlia, in Victorian language, symbolizes the flower which has survived. It is also a symbol of commitment and bond that lasts forever. It is one of the most commonly used flowers even today in gardens and flower arrangements.

The amaryllis is beautiful and the unique, trumpet-like flower has multiple white blooms on a single stem with a hint of lime at its center. These flowers are generally white, pink, or purple in color. White amaryllis flower symbolizes radiant beauty, purity, and innocence.

Boo The Deaf Kitty

Boo The Deaf Kitty on Twitter! Thanks Boo: https://twitter.com/boothedeafkitty

Last year Casper wanted to have his own Twitter page because it seemed all the cute and cool cats were on Twitter and he wanted to get in on the action. After seeing the hastags like #kittyloafmonday and #jellybellyfriday he knew he had found a fun place so he joined Twitter and started tweeting some pictures and looking for some friends.

One of the first cats that Casper met when he started his Twitter page was a beautiful white cat named Boo. Boo The Deaf Kitty to be exact; he is a white cat with blue eyes just like our Lily and often with white cats with blue eyes they have a genetic disposition to being unable to hear and this is what happened to Boo The Deaf Kitty.

Being deaf doesn’t stop Boo from living a fast and furry lifestyle! From being a star on Instagram to having roles in movies and TV shows Boo is a a cat who loves to travel especially going for walkies in his cat chariot!

Boo has a lovely home, we’ve seen an amazing pond and since we have a pond too it makes it all the better because we know our cats like to see the pond and Boo is no exception.

Boo is living proof that a disability isn’t really a disability if you have a big heart and a good catitude! Boo is so lucky to have a caring human family to make him thrive and meet his potential!

Casper really like to follow Boo and you can to if you have a twitter account go and say hi to sweet Boo The Deaf Kitty!
Boo has a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/boothedeafkitty and Twitter page,where we met Boo for the first time:  https://twitter.com/boothedeafkitty

Boo The Deaf Kitty Youtube Channel

Halifax Halloween Cat Show

We had a great time at the Halloween Halifax Cat Show on the weekend. The event was held at the Halifax Forum and featured over 25 breeds and over 100 cats; we spent the whole day chatting with the breeders and watching the various rounds of judging.

It really was a “purrfect” show and we’ll be going next year for sure! It’s been our favorite event so far put on by the Fundy Fanciers Cat Club; great venue and the weather was superb for late October in Halifax!

The judges for the event were Elaine Gleason, Robert Gleason, Christine Ling, Diane Moreau, Nancy Kerr, Eleanor MacDonald, Terry Farrell, Heather MacDougall & Sandra Pringle.

It was nice to be able to sit up close with the judges and it’s so nice when they explain a bit about the cat breeds as they judge them so we could understand what they were looking for.

I’ve been to larger shows like the Montreal Cat Show and you are pretty far away from the judging table and in Halifax the spectators could sit up close and personal.

We met a white cat named Lily just like our Lily white cat! They look so similar it was so nice to see another Lily!!

We met a white cat named Lily who looked a lot like our Lily! The eyes were different color but she looked like a cousin of our Lily, and both cats are two years old so it was nice to chat with the owner.

When we spotted a sable Burmese cat we had to spend some time talking with the breeder. We have our beautiful Blue Burmese, Alaska, and her brother Jasper, who has passed away, was such a loving cat and when we saw the Burmese kitty it was too much to resist. The breeder was named Theo and was very nice, we might adopt a senior Burmese cat to give a companion to Alaska who has been a bit lonesome since her brother died.

We met a beautiful sable Burmese cat who reminded us so much of our dear Jasper who is no longer with us.

The Halloween decorations were so much fun and really added an ambiance to the cat show; it’s fun when a show is scheduled during a festive time of year like Christmas or Halloween so the thematic flavors of the period can add to the enjoyment of the event.

My particular favorite cats were :
Brown patched tabby and white female Norweigian Forest cat named “Catequil Chole of Kerrisma”
Blue silver spotted male Turkish Angora cat named “Gillies Mithril of Lonecat”
Silver tabby & white Turkish Angora named “Lonecat Chance-Of-Rain Of Finnland”
Sable female Burmese cat named “Hali of Seasedge”
Ebony and white female Oriental Shorthair cat named “Amourchat Viraj”
Sepia neutered Singapura cat named “Diogenoir’s Moonbeam of Finn Farm”

and of course…the white beauty Lily!

I love the official names of the cats, when we meet them in their kennels as they snuggle in their beds they are introduced as something like “Beamer” and the official name is “Diogenoir’s Moonbeam of Finn Farm” which is so much more regal and in the case of little Beamer, so appropriate because that little Singapura was simply devine!

Visit the Fundy Fanciers Cat Club Facebook Page

The Daily Purr: Cat Picture of the Day

These are the latest updated photos of Casper, Lily, Belle and Alaska as well as any cats, kitties and creatures we meet along the way while we’re at home or on the road visiting, exploring and looking for cats around the town and around the country! The pictures are taken and sent from our iPhones as we go about the day so anything goes. Have a happy day with your cats if you have them!