We are affiliates of Amazon and these items are on Amazon so if you buy one we may receive a payment and for this we thank-you! Meow!
Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books

Cat Links & Websites


A blog for cat lovers & kitty keepers everywhere. Join my pet Avery and I in our own little corner of the feline-obsessed world. Facts about cats, cat stories, training tips, & pet care advice. I talk as much as I can about it all here! Check out Elise and her great blog: https://kittyclysm.com/

Online Nursing Guide for Cats and Kittens
The website is from the Duquesne University School of Nursing and has great information for learning about cat behavior, nutrition, and healthy habits can make you an excellent cat owner.
Check it out: https://onlinenursing.duq.edu/online-msn-fnp-program/online-nursing-guide-cats-kittens/

Thanks to Mia G. , a young cat researcher, for sharing this great website with us! 
We are giving Mia a Gold Paw for her great efforts! Meow~!

Web MD Cats
Get the answers to almost every important cat health questions, plus more tips on keeping your kitty happily purring along. http://pets.webmd.com/cats/guide/default.htm

Cat Healthy
It’s always kinder – and less expensive – to prevent your cat from developing health problems than it is to treat them. And from kitty’s purrspective, it is a whole lot nicer to not get sick in the first place! Now, you have access to a list of preventive healthcare guidelines developed – just for you – by Canada’s veterinary feline specialists. http://www.cathealthy.ca/cat-healthy-for-owners/

Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
Whether you’re an experienced owner looking for new ideas or thinking about adding a pet to your family, the CFHS offers a wealth of information on responsible pet ownership and care. In this section you will find information on different types of animals that people keep as pets. From dog bite prevention, building your own scratching post or grooming tips for your bunny here you will find information to keep your pet happy and healthy. http://cfhs.ca/athome/general_pet_information/

Fundy Fanciers Cat Club
Fundy Fanciers Cat Club is affiliated with the Canadian Cat Association. We show purebred and Domestic cats and host cat shows in Halifax and Moncton every year. We also promote responsible pet ownership and spay and neuter programs and donate to local rescues. We are not for profit. Visit on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fundyfanciers/

We love Boo!!!Boo The Deaf Kitty
Boo is living proof that a disability isn’t really a disability if you have a big heart and a good catitude! Boo is so lucky to have a caring human family to make him thrive and meet his potential! Casper really like to follow Boo and you can to if you have a twitter account go and say hi to sweet Boo The Deaf Kitty!

Boo has a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/boothedeafkitty and Twitter page,where we met Boo for the first time:  https://twitter.com/boothedeafkitty

International Society for Endangered Cats (ISEC) Canada
To aid in the conservation of small wild cat species through education, public awareness and support for scientific field projects. programs support the smallest wild cats, consisting of 28 species that weigh less than 50 lbs. We do not provide funding for projects on the larger cats – tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars or snow leopards. http://www.wildcatconservation.org/

Big Cat Rescue
Big Cat Rescue is one of the largest accredited sanctuaries in the world dedicated to abused and abandoned big cats. They are home to about 80+ lions, tigers, bobcats, cougars and other species most of whom have been abandoned, abused, orphaned, saved from being turned into fur coats, or retired from performing acts. https://bigcatrescue.org/

The Infinite Cat Project
The Infinite Cat Project is about one cat watching another watching another watching another into infinity. The website is a cattastic catalogue of a categorically cataclysmic concatenation. http://www.infinitecat.com/infinite/cat1.html

The White FuryThe White Fury

Casper, Belle & Lily Re-united

Stay Home Cat!Stay Home Cat!

Fresh LinensFresh Linens

Always snug and cozy when the bed is warmed with freshly washed and dried sheets and covers.

Casper, Belle and the ManateeCasper, Belle and the Manatee

Belle was so happy to meet a new friend, the Disney Manatee!

Casper approachingCasper approaching

I’m here.

I win! It’s a bed!I win! It’s a bed!

Every night bell would knock everything off of the bedside table and every night it would get replaced on to the bedside table and then the next night they’ll would knock everything off the table again and again and again now she wins a bed has been made and she rests on a nest of ...

Belle, a real dreamerBelle, a real dreamer

sweet hearted girl little deaf white cat named Belle has been less than four months since her arrival she has seen some bad things as a rural farm kitten before being fostered briefly before being spotted outside Casper, Lily, and Alaska’s home and adopted in to the white cat world family Belle is a real dreamer 😻

Belle the white cat writing songsBelle the white cat writing songs

It was a very good night writing some new songs got all plugged in tuned up and had the tuna to in we were working on the songs and the new theme two should be just great I can’t wait till it’s done it was a good night driving and working on the melodies ...

Beautiful BelleBeautiful Belle

Belle loves to sit in the Zen bed at the front window watching the chickadees drinking in the fountain and the morning doves in the Pinetrees. It’s one of her favourite spots in the house.

Belle will be cartoon cat in my Lana Purrrilla book seriesBelle will be cartoon cat in my Lana Purrrilla book series

Inspired tale of magical maybes with a raccoon in a garden and tigers on the river boulders sniffing at the roses. Have started writing and it will feature Belle as Lana Purrila and her escapades with WhiteCatWorld darlings Lily, Casper and the ominous Little Grey Thing. Can’t decide if I should go darker or something else that’s ...

White Cat GalleryWhite Cat Gallery

White Cat Gallery

Wait what? Who me?Wait what? Who me?

Casper does a perfect double take his eyes are amazing and the timing is just perfect comedy gold Casper is an amazing white cat with his offset eyes and big round face such a cutey!

The new denThe new den

All moved in to the larger room They basically got me to give them an en-suite

White Cat AngleWhite Cat Angle

White Cat Angle


THE LAST ACT OF COMPASSIONby S Hartwell She lies there gently breathing, And she’d like for you to know, That she’s reached the final crisis And it’s time for her to go. She needs a little help now, To ease her from this life, There’s nothing left but suffering, You can see it in her eyes. ...


THE PURRY GATESby Anon It seems that I’ve reached Heaven, or its doorstep at any rate, And been winding round St Peter’s ankles by the Pearly Gates, I’ve plucked the angels’ harp-strings and made a merry sound, But it’s plucking at my heartstrings that you are not around. So I think I’ll sit and wait here, ...


MESSAGE FROM SOOTYby Marie Anthony My very dear Master and his Lady Wife I am really enjoying this lovely new life; The milk is like nectar, the food is ambrosial; When I get my wings up I must pay you a call And sun-bathe awhile in the old tortoise house Oh, I’ve just met a young ...


AFTERTHOUGHTby W Girt If ever I get to Heaven, please, Peter let there be Purring by the Golden Gates, a cat to welcome me. By crystal fountain, clear and cool, I’d like a place to stop, To watch a languid pussy paw curl out to catch a drop. And if an angel feather drifts gently down ...


ON THE DEATH OF A FAVOURITE CATby Hilda Lunn Since you have gone the sun has left the sky, No breezes blow, No birds sing To ease the aching vacuum in my heart. I shall not forget your gentle ways; No judgements made, No difficult demands, No needs save one, To share your life with mine. ...


LAURAby Gwen Lupson White and black, and ginger, too, A coat like silk, a silent mew, Eyes of gold, a gentle paw, Ears pricked high as through the door comes Laura. At night, she has her basket there; But, no, she sleeps upon my chair, Or, up and down the stairs she runs; It’s exercise and ...




1 comment to Cat Links & Websites

  • Barry Jensen


    Can you supply any information about Winifred A. Thorn. He/she wrote the prose-poems Leave-Taking and The Wild One.

    I have found no biographical information for Thorn. From the use of language, I assume that Thorn wrote in Great Britain in the early part of the previous century.

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