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Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books

Beginners Guide To Cat Behavior

If you notice your cat doing weird things like hacking up hairballs, crouching like a jungle cat or wandering around with its tail in the air, don’t be alarmed. There are many cat behaviors that are completely normal and are part of its nature.

Don’t be upset if your cat hacks up a hairball. Ever […]

Remembering Our Dear Pauline

Pauline was a black beauty, a dark creature with many burdens to bear. She was loved and cherished and was a dear friend for many years. Rest in Peace dear Pauline.

Lend Me a Kitten

I will lend to you for awhile a kitten, God said. For you to love while he lives, […]