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Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books

Spark & Ember

In February, my four kids and I lost our home to a fire. A wiring issue caused a light in our kitchen to catch fire in the wee hours of the morning. Luckily, everyone was able to get out of the house, and I called 911 as we watched our house go up in flames.


The Ragdoll Cat

For those of you who have never owned a Ragdoll before – BEWARE! The Ragdoll cat is probably one of life’s gifts. The cat has beautiful blue eyes and a cuddly and friendly disposition. That’s right the name came from their tendency to just go limp in your arms when you pick them up.

However, […]

Bathing A Cat

Draw a nice warm bath and throw in a couple of salmon if you please! Bathing a cat isn’t as relaxing for a cat as it is for a human!

Most cats prefer to groom themselves instead of allowing their human companions to apply a brush or be bathed. Some take this really […]

White Cat Videos On Youtube

OMG there are so many uploads of cute cat videos on Youtube it would be possible to spend your entire life glued to the screen if you wanted to even try and watch half of them! While I do like to watch some funny videos I also don’t want to forget that we have our […]

You Know When He’s Ready To Be Neutered

Cat owners who do not intend to breed their male cat will need to make sure that they do the responsible thing and have their cat neutered before the cat reaches sexual maturity, which is usually around 6 months of age. If they fail to have their cat neutered, the cat will display signs that […]