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Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books

Famous Cat Quotes

Here are another ten famous quotes about cats. If you’ve read Anne of Green Gables you won’t be surprised to see L.M. Montgomery held a certain fondness for cats but when you see a quote by H.P. Lovecraft you might be a little more surprised to know that his philosophies on life and the beyond […]

Great Quotes About Cats

“The cat was created when the lion sneezed”– Arabian Proverb

Here are 10 more quotes by some famous authors who you might be surprised to learn were such ardent cat lovers. Would you ever suspect Charles Bukowski, the salty poet and dark angel of the literary world to get all purring and soft […]

Picture of Beautiful White Cats

What a face, what a floooof!

White cats make up such a small percentage of the cat population that they are truly impressive to witness. They appear like ghostly phantoms on stealthy wings as they move. If you have ever been blessed to own a white cat, or you currently have one, you […]

Lily & Casper

Casper and Lily sitting on the back of the sofa. It’s one of their favorite spots to perch when there is a fire going in the wood stove and we’re all watching an episode of Alias. It’s actually rare that they both sit there but when Mama is away then they seem to want to […]

Casper In The Lion’s Den

Casper likes to flop back and relax on the bed!

Casper loves to lounge on the bed especially after the flannel has been freshly washed and the bedspread has hung on the clothes line soaking up the smell of the sunlight. His favorite place is on the bed watching the chickadees in […]