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Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books

10 Cat Symptoms That Need A Vet

If your dear kitty has any of these symptoms you really should get that precious cargo down to the vet right away. Unless you work at home or are at home all day with your cat you’ll need to understand that felines are notorious for hiding out and doing their own thing, usually napping, all […]

White Cat Names From Flowers

Naming a white cat requires some contemplation and understanding of your new cat friend. Take the time to make your new cat’s name one that will bring out the best of your little puss-puss!

When we first adopted our white cats, we didn’t have too much trouble finding a name for them. I […]

Boo The Deaf Kitty

Boo The Deaf Kitty on Twitter! Thanks Boo: https://twitter.com/boothedeafkitty

Last year Casper wanted to have his own Twitter page because it seemed all the cute and cool cats were on Twitter and he wanted to get in on the action. After seeing the hastags like #kittyloafmonday and #jellybellyfriday he knew he had found […]

Halifax Halloween Cat Show

We had a great time at the Halloween Halifax Cat Show on the weekend. The event was held at the Halifax Forum and featured over 25 breeds and over 100 cats; we spent the whole day chatting with the breeders and watching the various rounds of judging.

It really was a “purrfect” show and we’ll […]

The Daily Purr: Cat Picture of the Day

These are the latest updated photos of Casper, Lily, Belle and Alaska as well as any cats, kitties and creatures we meet along the way while we’re at home or on the road visiting, exploring and looking for cats around the town and around the country! The pictures are taken and sent from our iPhones […]