Whenever I see a majestic big cat I am thankful that I can have a domesticated smaller version at home. Whenever I am at a zoo and can see the wild cats I am amazed at the stature, size and strength of the big beasts. What strikes me is how much our small indoor cats share with their larger wild cousins as far as behavior and movements go. The grooming, the stalking, the head kisses are all shared from the big cats down to our small cats. Here are some of the big cats we’ve photographed.
- When the sky is blue and the sun is hot there is nothing better than rolling in the cool grass.
- While it’s hard to differentiate between a yawn and a roar when looking at a picture of a lion, this fellow was definitely just tired after waking up at the zoo.
- The African Lions at the Magnetic Hill Zoo in Moncton, New Brunswick.
- The male Amur Tiger enjoys his dry Savannah clay during a warm sunny day at the Magnetic Hill Zoo.
- The African Lion is such an amazing beast. The face is majestic and wise, timeless and frightening all at the same time. What a wonderful world we have!
- On a warm summer day the male lion takes a rest while his lioness companions keep an eye out for anything that might disturb the peace.
- The rare white Lion.
- This white lioness was a mature cat who was rescued by the Parc Safari Zoo from a exploited existence. The dear queen is much better off now and can live out her life in relative peace now.
- The African male lion and his partner sit calmly in their pen. The Magnetic Hill Zoo has a great viewing platform to watch the big cats go about their business.
Love that last picture. Such gorgeous felines they are. <3